Below is a list of some of my favorite classics.
- Beowulf (Library) Beowulf (Librivox free audio books)
- The Island of Doctor Moreau (Library) (LibriVox)
- War of the Worlds (Library) (LibriVox)
- Pride and Prejudice (Library) (LibriVox)
- Northanger Abbey (Library) (LibriVox)
- Heart of Darkness (Library) (LibriVox)
- Demoracy in America (Library)
- Bible, King James Version (Libary)
- Siddhartha (Library)
- The Art of War (Library) (LibriVox)
R. Philip Reynolds rm. 202b 936.468.1453 Subjects - Computer Science, Military Science, Philosophy/Religion, Political Science/Geography |
Will said...
I don't read many classics. Mostly its history, biography and politics. I suppose it would do me good to branch out. If I want to be entertained I'll watch a movie, TV or play a computer game. I feel like I should be getting something more out of a book than idle entertainment.
The other blog makes a good point about improving your reading style by reading well written books. I internalize writing styles very quickly and easily. I notice my blog writing change depending on what I'm reading at the time. It's always an improvement to some level but sometimes I notice my writing get stale if I'm reading something with the usual boring academic style. And I notice my writing improve when I'm reading something more creatively written. I'm not reading anything right now and I don't think its helping my blog.
My favorite classics that come to mind:
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
The Kingdom of God is Within You - Leo Tolstoy
Tao Teh Ching - Lao Tzu
Johnny Got his Gun - Dalton Trubmo
I don't know if you would call A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn a classic but I think it is within the genre.
I do have some unfinished Noam Chomsky sitting on my shelf but I suspect Ambrose Bierce would make my blog more interesting.
February 13, 2008 1:58 AM
Anonymous said...
I don't know if they are considered classics, but some of my favorite authors are: Anne Tyler, Willa Cather, and Laura Ingalls Wilder. In fact, I like many of the young adult writers, and I would sometimes rather read a young adult novel. One classic young adult novel that I will recommend is Little Women!
March 5, 2008 1:54 PM
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