Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kiss Bow or Shake Hands:

This may sound like the beginning of a sexual harassment lawsuit but actually, it is a handbook on polite behavior in over sixty countries. Whether you need to know business practices for International Marketing and Management or the customs and tastes for decorating an office in another country, you will find it in this book. Even if you have guests visit from another culture you can learn the customary way to welcome them and any gifts that may be appropriate to give or receive. This book can be the window looking out from Nacanowhere to Nacaeverywhere. Kiss, bow, or shake hands: how to do business in sixty countries, by Terri Morrison, Wayne A. Conaway & George A. Borden. Holbrook, Mass. : B. Adams, c1994.

R. Philip Reynolds
preynolds (AT)
rm. 202b
Subjects - Computer Science, Military Science, Philosophy, Religion, Political Science, Geography, Kinesiology

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