Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We Can Do This The Easy Way Or The Hard Way

So you want to use RefWorks. Some would pay up to $300 for access to software that will keep track of all your sources and write them in any style (MLA, APA, Turabian) and then insert them in your paper your bibliography and footnotes for you. In this limited time offer you can use RefWorks not for$300 not $100 dollars, not for even three easy payments of $19.95 RefWorks is available free at Steen Library. Look at what else it can do.

Its 12:01 AM your paper is due in the Morning at 9:00 what do you do? What do you do?

Visit RefWorks Today.

R. Philip Reynolds
preynolds (AT) sfasu.edu
rm. 202b
Subjects - Computer Science, Military Science, Philosophy, Religion, Political Science, Geography, Kinesiology

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